Saturday, April 16, 2016

Assistive Technology for students with Austism

       According to, autism is defined as a pervasive developmental disorder of children, characterized by impaired communication, excessive rigidity and emotional detachment. Autism is a word that refers to a wide range of developmental disorders that some people are born with or develop early in life (Kids Health). This kind of disorder affects the brain and makes communicating and interacting with others difficult. People with autism often have trouble talking and understanding language from an early age. Autism is a pervasive disorder, meaning that most people with this has delays, differences in many developmental areas making learning harder for them.
              What is assistive technology and how is it beneficial for students with autism? Assistive technology is an item and/or piece of equipment that is used to maintain, increase, or improve the functioning capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Computers are an example of an assistive technology strategy for students with autism. Research has show that using computers can increase attention and decrease anxiety-related behaviors in students with autism. Computers provide predictable, concrete learning environment and provide students with a sense of control and consistency in a world that generally affords them little of either. the teaching and learning opportunities available through the internet are numerous and varied! Free lessons, courses of study in almost any subject are available online. 
              There are numerous software programs available that can focus on a variety of skill areas. There is software programs for basically all the skills such as language skills, attending skills, problem solving skills, fine motor skills, academic skills, and even provide appropriate leisure time activity skills. 
              Students with autism can benefit from the use of a smart board in the classroom.  Interactive whiteboards such as the SMART Board interactive whiteboard can help teachers to include these sorts of learning enhancements by including engaging multimedia in their Notebook lessons, encouraging students to interact with the Smartboard on an hands on basis, and creating schedules and templates to instill routine and structure in lessons (Blossom Learning).
              Many students with autism have difficulty communicating and interacting with others. The Bluebee Pals are an assistive technology tool used to engage students in learning and socialization (Autism Speaks). Their wide range of compatibilities introduce an exciting communication device that provide enhanced educational opportunities for special needs children (Bluebee Pals).
            Visual stimuli, interactive manipulative and sound are all important learning augmentation that can help students with autism to excel in the classroom (Blossom Learning).  Technology has come a long way from where it first began. I can only imagine what it will look like in the next few years. Smartboards have become what the future looks like for classrooms with special needs children and all children for that matter. The product can only help children and will only get better. I foresee that classrooms will begin to introduce not only the smartboard, but also ipads in the classroom. Our world has become all about technology and it has become the future of our classrooms.               


Bluebee Pals:


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