Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Three Teacher Blogs I Liked

          Technology has come a long way from where it first started. It has changed the way people communicate with each other and how they function on a daily basis. Technology is great, but can be difficult to understand, especially when it comes to the classroom. Technology has become a major part of every classroom and it is important for teachers to understand it and how to incorporate it into the classroom. Many teachers have created blogs as a way to help out other teachers and to keep in touch with parents. For this assignment I needed to find three teacher blogs that I liked. I looked for preschool teacher blogs because that is a future goal of mine (to work with preschoolers).

Three teacher blogs that I liked:

1) Preschool Ponderings --> http://www.preschoolponderings.blogspot.com/
          I liked this blog because the teacher has worked for nearly ten years with toddlers and preschoolers. I loved that when she started teaching, she worked at a Reggio inspired school. What i really liked about this blog was that the teacher made post that were inspirational for other teachers. She had blogs about way to organize the classroom, helpful tips about behaviors and curriculum. 

2) Not Just Cute, Intentional Whole Child Development --> http://notjustcute.com/
          "Not all children are the same. They are not bags of chips on the conveyor belts of a factory - they are humans." I feel like this quotes sums up this teachers blog. The main focus on her blog is DAP or Developmentally Appropriate Practices. "'Developmentally Appropriate Practices' bring that term up in a room full of early childhood educators, and you'd better get comfy. They'll have a lot to say on the matter. But bring that term up with just about anyone who is NOT an early childhood professional, and you may get blank stares." This blog talks about the importance of DAP and how to help teachers understand and how to use it.

3) Art With Mrs. Nguyen  --> http://www.artwithmrsnguyen.com/
          I really liked this blog, even though it was not geared towards preschoolers, because art is a very important aspect of any level of education. Art is important because it allows children to express how they are feeling and can be a stress release for some children. I liked this blog because she talks about different ways to do art. She had posts about working with clay, watercolors, and other art expressions. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Welcome to my Blog

Good Evening and welcome to my education blog!! 

        My name is Erica Svensson and I am currently a student at Columbus State Community College. I am studying early childhood education and will be graduating with my associate's degree in May of 2016!! I am currently working at a childcare center in Dublin, Ohio. I absolutely love the staff there and especially the children! They make every day better when I see their smiling faces!! Even though I am graduating from CSCC in May, I plan on continuing my education in early childhood education and get my teaching license. My original goal was to become a fourth grade teacher, but after working with younger children, I have decided to further my education with a bachelor's degree in early childhood education and get my teaching license later. I would love to work in a preschool. 
        I am not married (although there has been talk about a ring!! Guess I'll just have to wait and see), but do have a loving boyfriend of four years. He is a mechanical engineer and is currently in Japan doing some training for work (is it march yet?). I love spending as much time as possible with him and with my friends and family. They all mean the world to me! I have many interests and hobbies, but will not bore you with all of those!! I love being creative, whether that's through drawing, painting, crocheting, or even making bracelets. I also love to read and hang out with friends and family. 
        I have always loved just being around children. I am the one at the family reunions who is running around with the children or sitting reading a story  or playing princess with them. So to make a career out of something I only imagined is a wish come true. It took me a couple years to realize that I wanted to be a teacher, even though the thought has always been in the back of my mind. 
        My goals as a teacher is to make a difference in the lives of the children and their parents. I want to see the excitement on the children's faces as they enter the classroom. I want them to be excited to come to school and keep that excitement throughout their school experience. My goal as an educator is to promote the child, encourage them to imagine and explore the world around them. To ask questions and seek out answers. To mold their mind through process rather than product.